Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Workouts

The trainers at Workshop Fitness have been putting me through some new workouts and I wanted to share them with you guys.

· Mariesa, who is the co-owner of Workshop, has started spin workouts with me. I remember as a child riding my bike in the old neighborhood, going over to a friend’s house or heading up to the park to play some football with the old gang, but unfortuntately spin brings back zero of those memories for me. One on one spin is tough just for the simple fact that you can’t slack since the instructor can see you the entire time. I can’t tell you how many times she says, “Come on Ricky, can’t you go any faster?”
· Jason, the other half of Workshop, has been taking me out to Town Lake to do all kinds of crazy exercises outdoors. We start with pushups and pull-ups at the monkey bars by the Zachary Scott Theatre, then we do some jogging on the trail, followed by scaling the rocks by the pedestrian bridge and we end it with some sprints on the stairs to the pedestrian bridge. The main thing about this workout is that its not isolated-- people can watch me workout. If we had done in this month one I would not have been that up for it, but now I don’t really care about working out in public because I feel in good enough shape to show off a little.
· Christine “Torture” Tusa has been adding more weight resistance to my ab workouts. Even with lightweight it creates a lot of resistance when you are trying to concentrate on engaging your abs. She is also adding new stretches to help get my body back in balance. I never realized how hard stretching can be but after being asked to hold a pose for over a minute it can be just as painful as any workout I do with one of the guy trainers. After working out with Christine I try to run as far as I possibly can because my body feels completely recharged from her torture sessions.
· Paul has fallen in love with the prowler. Instead of me pushing the prowler, he is now strapping me into a harness and dragging it. He has also been hitting my legs hard, and after one workout a couple of weeks ago I couldn’t walk right for 3-4 days because my legs were in such pain.
· Thomas has been the most consistent workout when I come into Workshop. We still hit chest and back. This isn’t because Thomas is boring its because he knows that is what I want to do and he pushes me in those two areas. He even let me do a little bit of bicep work after I shared some concern for my gun show.

These are just a few examples of what these people put me through. I couldn’t be more blessed to have such a great foundation for health in my life. The key to these workouts is that there is so much variety with each trainer. I am not doing the same thing everyday so my body can’t get used to the work. With their help I will be able to hit my goal in four months and start the new chapter of maintaining.

Location:Kirby Blvd,Southeast Harris,United States

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

8 Month Measurements

 Eight months. Really?

I seriously can’t believe that 8 months have passed since I started working out at Workshop Fitness. To think that I have only 4 more months of this training before the next part of the journey starts has its own set of emotions, but for right now I am feeling fantastic about where I am at today.

January 25th

Neck - 16.25
Chest - 44.5
Arm - 16.75
Waist (Smallest part) - 44.5
Waist (Belly Button) - 49
Hip - 49
Thigh - 24.5
Calf - 17.5
Weight: 280

March 11th

Neck - 16.25
Chest - 44.5
Arm - 16.5
Waist (Smallest part) - 43
Waist (Belly Button) - 48
Hip - 47.5
Thigh - 22
Calf - 17.5
Weight: 263

Total Inches: 6.75 inches lost
Total weight loss: 17 pounds

So far I have lost approximately 69 inches off my body and 107 pounds. There is some good and bad news that comes with my results.

The good news is that I am still losing weight and inches. The bad news is that I am not losing them at the pace needed to reach the goal I put for myself of 180 pounds in one year. I am trying to figure out how I am going to lose 18.25 pounds a month from here on out to reach 180 pounds. All I can do is put in the hours at the gym, and if I don’t hit the goal weight I will at least know that I tried my hardest to achieve it. If the worst thing that happens to me in this process is that I lose 160 pounds instead of 180 pounds, I think I will live.

Why am I okay with not hitting the biggest goal I have set for myself this entire time? The reason is that I have come to the conclusion that I would rather have a lifestyle change than a diet that limits my food intake so much that when I get off of it I just gain all my weight back. I also am able to do so many things that I wasn’t able to do before. Just this weekend I spent a large portion of the day outside hiking with friends and playing basketball. Then the next day I went to play more basketball with friends. I was completely sore, could barely walk afterwards but I could still do it. For me at this time that is what matters, being active and being able to be happy with myself.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Battle Scars

As my weight continues to fall, I am starting to notice that my body is changing in both positive and negative ways.
Some of the positive things that are happening is I am actually seeing muscle definition on parts of my body. As a kid I was in shape by playing basketball and football, but never had any kind of muscle definition to speak of. I can also feel my ribs when I lay down and that hasn’t happened since high school. These feelings are nice but it isn’t necessarily why I wanted to get healthy, and so I am trying not to focus on this part of the process. What I find more interesting is the negative side effects of my weight loss.
The biggest thing I have noticed is that I have a ton of little bumps around my stomach and chest area. At first I had no idea what they were and I went to the doctor to find out. Turns out they are fat deposits called lipoma that are all over my body from the all the weight I had put on. The weirdest part about it is that they probably won’t ever go away (except with some kind of surgery. Note: I am not a doctor so I could be completely wrong on this subject). I don’t want to look at this as a negative thing-- more like a reminder to myself that you have gone through a lot and to never go back to where you came from. No matter how great a shape I am in I will always have the reminder that not so long ago, I was the person playing videogames, drinking Dr. Peppers and eating pizza all night by himself. When I am down on myself, or feel like I can’t do something because I am tired, I like to feel those bumps to remind myself that I have come so far in this journey, so why stop now? I only have so much more time with the trainers,  so why waste it complaining when I can show myself everyday that I can improve and I will reach my goals if I put the time and work into things. 
As I was writing this blog post I was thinking to myself.  It occurred to me that, at the beginning of all this I would have never written anything this personal. But I am starting to realize that this blog isn’t just about me. It's about everyone who is going through the same struggles as I am with weight loss. If I can show someone my pains and struggles, maybe they can also push through the tough times and come through their own journey a better person. 

Chewing Gum

If you hang out with me you know that I always have gum on my person. It helps me fight the cravings I have of sweets and usually can curb my appetite if its not quite time to eat again. Counting Calories did an article talking about their feelings on gum and I found it pretty useful. Check it out here.