Some of the positive things that are happening is I am actually seeing muscle definition on parts of my body. As a kid I was in shape by playing basketball and football, but never had any kind of muscle definition to speak of. I can also feel my ribs when I lay down and that hasn’t happened since high school. These feelings are nice but it isn’t necessarily why I wanted to get healthy, and so I am trying not to focus on this part of the process. What I find more interesting is the negative side effects of my weight loss.
The biggest thing I have noticed is that I have a ton of little bumps around my stomach and chest area. At first I had no idea what they were and I went to the doctor to find out. Turns out they are fat deposits called lipoma that are all over my body from the all the weight I had put on. The weirdest part about it is that they probably won’t ever go away (except with some kind of surgery. Note: I am not a doctor so I could be completely wrong on this subject). I don’t want to look at this as a negative thing-- more like a reminder to myself that you have gone through a lot and to never go back to where you came from. No matter how great a shape I am in I will always have the reminder that not so long ago, I was the person playing videogames, drinking Dr. Peppers and eating pizza all night by himself. When I am down on myself, or feel like I can’t do something because I am tired, I like to feel those bumps to remind myself that I have come so far in this journey, so why stop now? I only have so much more time with the trainers, so why waste it complaining when I can show myself everyday that I can improve and I will reach my goals if I put the time and work into things.
As I was writing this blog post I was thinking to myself. It occurred to me that, at the beginning of all this I would have never written anything this personal. But I am starting to realize that this blog isn’t just about me. It's about everyone who is going through the same struggles as I am with weight loss. If I can show someone my pains and struggles, maybe they can also push through the tough times and come through their own journey a better person.
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