This topic hasn’t really been brought on my blog, but I feel like it's time to clear the air because I have been getting some questions about it. Yes, on my diet my trainers allow me to drink. There are a lot of rules to the drinking, and when I have strayed from the rules I have suffered on the scale. So here are some of the rules:
1. No Beer – This one I thought I would be okay with because I don’t really drink beer that much to begin with. But every once in a while a man enjoys an ice-cold beer with his dinner and I haven’t been able to do that with a clear conscience in a while. The beer has carbohydrates that I don’t need, and has more calories than a vodka soda (The only acceptable mix drink I can have).
2. No dark liquors – By far the hardest rule they gave me. If you have ever partied with me you know I have a love for whiskey. Unfortunately the dark liquors have more calories and carbohydrates.
3. Vodka soda, Vodka soda – So the one drink I can have is vodka soda, but the problem at the beginning was that I didn’t even know what it was. That might sound stupid but I just never ordered it. If I were going to order vodka I would do it with sprite or tonic. So when I finally tried it I had to prevent myself from spitting it out. The taste was so bitter compared to the whiskey and Coke I was used to. I might have been the saddest little boy on Sixth Street the first night I got these rules because I just couldn’t get past the taste. But just like anything I have become accustomed to the taste, and now I prefer that drink to anything else.
4. Drink in moderation – Sure I have had some crazy nights with my friends, but I am getting older and drinking in moderation just comes with maturity. So-- maybe that isn’t the complete truth, but I really have improved on my drinking quantity since starting this. They suggest only about 2-3 drinks when I go out, and only drink a maximum of two nights a week.
Now that I have gotten that all out I also have to bring up the fact that I have recently decided to not drink. I came to the realization that yes, drinking is fun and that I enjoy participating in what goes along with it, but I only have so much time to fully utilize my trainers and I need to respect that time I have with them. Drinking only decreases my chances of hitting my goal weight. Not only are they empty calories, but it also increases my chances of cheating on my diet with greasy foods. And if I have drank too much, I will want more greasy food to battle the hangover. That isn’t fair to myself, and it’s not fair to the people cheering me on. I have to be stronger than that to prove that I am in this to complete all my goals.
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