Thursday, November 19, 2009

Christine's Unique Workouts

This opportunity at Workshop Fitness has been one of the benchmarks in my life. For all the trainers to be a such a part of it amazes me; their heart and dedication to my health makes this experience all the more worthwhile. I think it's time for me to write a little bit about each of them so that you can have a better picture of what they do for me.
In previous posts I have talked about Christine being the trainer that is most like a doctor. What I mean by this is she asks a lot of questions about how my body is feeling and then designs a workout for me that will help relieve stress on those areas. My biggest problem area is my lower back and Christine always has great ways to fix it. She likes for me to do stretches that focus on the back and then she gets a foam roller so that we can “push out the bad” in my back. The workout with the foam roller feels like someone is running you over with a tiny truck, but it’s so effective! Christine is also very good at working out my abs. (She is so good she put out a DVD workout for abs that you can check out here. Christine will get those fun bouncy balls that you see at the gym, make me sit on it, and then I will bounce on it for about five minutes while sucking in my abs and moving left to right, left to right, left to right... you get the picture.)
The most refreshing aspect of her workouts are that they are very low impact. For me this is so crucial because a lot of my workouts involve lifting giant tires, or dragging a 100 pound water hose, so bouncing on a ball is a nice change that doesn’t wear my body down and at the same time gives me an effective workout. The thought of a low-impact workout to me always seemed like a waste of time until I met Christine. She utilizes long stretches, body positioning, bouncy ball workouts and low-resistance cardio to make the most out of the hour we share every week. If you guys have any more questions on Christine Tusa,please check her web site here.

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