Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Ladies and gentlemen, I have made it through 15 weeks of intense workouts with Workshop Fitness. For the first 10 weeks I was feeling the pain, but there was a feeling that maybe I could do a little more than what was required of me. The trainers must have had the same feeling, because over the past month the workouts have gotten much harder. Thomas has been pushing me with higher weights on my bench and shoulder presses, Paul has been pulling out the sled more and putting on three 45 pound plates on it for me to push, Diana now is doing interval jogging workouts with me, Mariesa is still the same (HAHA J) and Jason really enjoys making me run and pick up telephone polls. This is a huge leap from the “Walk-n-talk” sessions I used to do, where I could literally do little more than walk and talk at the same time. I think with time they have built trust with me and now, have a better idea of where my limit is and they know how hard to push me. In turn, I have also have gained more trust in them, so when they ask me to do something that on the first day of training I would have never been able to do, I feel confident in myself. First instance, just this past week Paul set up a workout where I would flip this giant tire ten times and then hit the tire with the sledgehammer twenty times. I did five sets of this workout and after it was over I was just beat but I felt so accomplished in doing so much work! That was one of the workouts I will remember being a benchmark for my progress. Another benchmark for me was about two weeks ago when Jason made me run 8 miles per hour on the treadmill for 30 seconds…the previous high for me was 7 miles per hour so I was really scared to do it, but Jason trusted I could do it and I did! I was huffing and puffing but it really made me proud that I had gone from being exhausting from a light jog to now full-on running for 30 seconds. Now to think what will happen 15 weeks from now is a little scary but its going to be fun living it out!


Unknown said...

I am amazed by some of the things they are having you do. I don't know how you do it! You rock :)

Diana the Trainer said...

Ha! How about the "everything you hated about sports" workout?! Sorry for that, by the way. Ladders do suck. But your agility and endurance is stellar, man, and we're so excited to be able to do with you all the things that we can. We are so PROUD of you, Ricky!