Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Video Montage

So last week I posted a video of someone's video montage of their weight loss. Then I thought, wouldn't it be great to do one myself? And so I did...If you don't like the strokes feel free to mute the video I won't be hurt. ENJOY PEOPLE!


Shawn D said...

...Even Ricky had a montage. MONTAGEEEE!!

Great job, man, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

WoW Ricky! I am so proud of you! Im envious too. I need help losing weight but with my health problems its so discouraging. I want so badly to work hard & do what your doing. Any information on how your doing it would be awesome. Money however is something I have very little of, but I would still like to look into this life-changing workshop & if they have one in my area. Im so proud to know you Ricky, & I hope you know your an inspiration to so many people. People like me who you barely know. I lost 55lbs last year but Im struggling now. Im hitting a depression that I am having trouble stopping, & you know better than I that depression is a key ingredient in weight gain. It's hard for me to post this, & its even harder to sign my name to it. Just know that I am so proud to know you, & so thankful to you for showing me that it can be done. I just hope I can find something to help me. Thank you for your courage.

Anonymous said...

Looking Good!

Unknown said...

Awesome job!!! Keep up the good work!!!

DCM Photography said...

Thats awesome man! Keep up the good work!

Aden said...

I am really proud of you Ricky, you are looking great. (and wow you are hot)

tambolyn said...

Everytime I read one of your posts I am moved beyond what you might expect. I hope you will come to realize what a truly awesome thing you are doing. The journey you are taking with weight loss and getting in shape is one part of it, but also this blog, the many people you are reaching and now this cool montage! I love it and I also loved the song. I haven't heard it before. You'll have to let me know!

Keep on, keepin' on Ricky!

Love You,