Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Spring is coming and when you live in Central Texas that means people are getting ready to go back outside and enjoy the beautiful weather that the area has to offer. One of the activities that a lot of people my age enjoy to do is float the river with friends. Unfortunately, I have never done this before because I never felt comfortable floating in an inner tube. When you are constantly worried about a floating device's structural integrity, that should send a signal to yourself that something is wrong.

 I always felt left out, knowing that when friends would come into town, they would go float ,but I wouldn’t get to go. At first I felt like they didn’t want me to go, but then I soon realized they didn’t want to ask me because I always just said 'no' to any kind of outdoor/physical activity. The constant non-invites would just lead to me feeling animosity towards the idea of floating the river. I would think “how stupid of an idea is it to float a river…it sounds boring and dumb,” but really I was just masking the anger I felt at myself for not being able to do the simple act of floating in an inner tube.

But as the weight goes so does a lot of anger I had for things. I am learning that the more weight I lose the happier I am becoming with myself. Before, the feelings I had about something were heavily predicated on my weight. The views I had on floating the river are the same ones I had about playing basketball again, or skydiving (coming soon) but those views are changing with the weight. This is a topic I bring up a lot but I am starting to see more emotional changes than physical at this point of my transformation. I have been in the same jeans for almost two months now but it feels like my heart has grown out of my chest…haha okay Sam that might be too cheesy, but keep it if you want….
***EDITOR'S NOTE: That last part was, for me, way too cheesy. But it's true. Ricky may have had a big ass, but it has never been as big as his heart. So I'll keep it, but only because it's true, and only because I get to say so. If you don't like it, please, feel free to email me at***

Anyways, this year will be much different. I plan to venture into the world of floating with friends many times this spring and summer. So if anyone would like to come join me on my maiden voyage, I was thinking of doing a trip around spring break. And be ready for a good time, because that is all that seems to be going down at the moment, people.


Brian S. said...


Facundo said...

I'm totally down! I haven't floated the river in a good while