Wednesday, January 6, 2010


2009 was a great year.
I had some experiences I will look back on later in life and think, “Man, it does not really get any better than that."  With the new year upon us, I am ready to look over the past year and get my new goals ready for 2010 so I make sure I don’t lose focus in my weight loss journey.

In 2009, I wanted to be 290 pounds by December 31st.  I reached this goal on December 30th, when I weighed in at 289 pounds!  For the year, I lost a total of 81 pounds.  That is hard to type because it doesn’t feel real.  Telling myself that you are smaller than when you were in high school is a little scary, because I look at myself and I have a hard time believing that I was this big in 9th grade, but it is true.  As I get smaller and smaller, I will have to think about the 7th and 6th grade times just to remember even being this small. 
My goal weight is 190 pounds by July 23rd, which is what I weighed in about the 6th grade.  Let that roll around your head a little bit.  July 23rd is the one-year anniversary of this whole thing, so I figured it was apt a date as any.  I got 99 pounds to go in a little under 7 months.  The race to the end will be tight, but I have faith.
In 2009, I also wanted to bench press 200 pounds by the end of the year. This has always been a goal of mine.  I have always had leg strength but never upper body.  When I started lifting at Workshop Fitness my first max lift was 160 pounds back on July 23rd.  Last week, I did 200 pounds for the first time! It was a battle with the bar, but after two times of almost giving up I powered through it and made it happen.  What is crazy is when I last lifted 160, I was weighing in at around 370, but now I lifted 200 and weighed 290, so I am getting closer and closer to being able to lift myself up from  a ledge-- just in case I fall. The goal for bench press is to be able to lift 250 by, once again, July 23rd.
Finally, I wanted to get to a 15 minute mile.
I sort of crushed this goal, because I had the 15 minute mile by Thanksgiving, and then I got a 12 minute mile the week before Christmas.  Now, I am looking to get a 7 minute mile by July 23rd. When I first started I was walking 20 minute miles, and being exhausted after 2.  I just did 2 miles at about a 13 minute pace and felt okay, after.  I want to increase speed, but also increase my distance.  Small steps, people, but we will get the stamina in there, too.

Some personal goals for 2010 are to continue to eat healthier, read more, become more involved with religion and faith and to finally stop to smell the roses every once in awhile. This last goal is really hard for me because I am trying to never be satisfied with what I do until I have truly reached a goal, but I have to realize that every step in the process is something to be proud of whether it be a step forward or backwards.  I am sure I will come up with 20 more resolutions as this year moves on, but for me they all lead to one giant goal in mind: Making myself happy, and if I can do that then I have achieved what life is all about. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WoW!! Absolutely AmAzInG!! What else is there to say about one said Mr. Ricky Lawson. Reading your blog today gave me goose bumps, not only is it absolutely amazing the minor changes that have become major transitions but also the sense of self confidence and awareness you have of yourself. You are truely an inspiration for so many people, but I plead with you to not forget where you came from for its from the past that we learn and through the future we prosper. So to many more challenges and successes, and to YOU, Ricky, who made the decision that you were going to change to better yourself AND actually DID IT! Here's to you.
